14 great ideas to get new customers for your new business | Blog

3 min readJun 28, 2021


When you’re starting out in business, it can be easy to acquire your first core group of customers. That is because we all usually start with our family and friends. But once you have exhausted those contacts, where will you get more customers?

Here are some ideas to help inspire you to get proactive about expanding your customer base with the goal of increasing your revenue.

Be present on Social Media

Social media taps into a huge market that your competitors are likely already in on. The average internet user had 3 social media accounts in 2012, and now the average is closer to 7 accounts.

It’s an inexpensive way to have first hand access to the open market. You can join discussions, share information, content, and more. The big BUT here is that I would never recommend that you jump onto 7 different social media platforms to find those customers.

There are certain platforms that will work well for your business and also a learning curve for you as a business owner. My advice is to focus your energy on 1 or 2 platforms and be totally awesome on those. Stretching yourself too thin will not get you the results you want because it will just become too much. You have to ask yourself what business you want to be in — if you are a hairdresser, lifecoach, candlemaker, bookkeeper — that is what you need to be doing, not spending your day working the socials.

Join Forums

Forums are places people go to ask questions. Quora, Reddit, etc. are all places where you can search keywords for your expertise and advertise your business, as you share your knowledge. It builds a connection straight off the bat and establishes you as an industry leader.

Deals and Promotions

Deals and promotions are a great way to get potential customers over the line and get new customers to make last minute purchases from you. You can advertise deals on social media accounts, email campaigns, or via online marketing promotions. An effective way to spread the news is to make the promotion encourage or require sharing.


Consider enticing purchases or new customers with giving something away for free. That doesn’t mean giving away thousands of products but running semi-regular giveaways can be to your benefit. Always calculate the cost of what you are giving away because you don’t want it to send you out of business.

Also consider what you can give away that could actually bring you more business than what it is worth. In other words, you need to work out the Return On Investment. For example, if you run a giveaway for a $1000 iPad that might sound great to you, especially if somehow you got the iPad for free. However, think about who will be attracted to that iPad. Are they your ideal customers? If they are DON’T DO IT.


Originally published at https://www.samanthamorris.fempirecoach.com.au on June 28,2021




Written by SamMorris

Business Coach | Sharing business knowledge with women. https://bit.ly/TreahandSamClub

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