How To Succeed In Group Coaching: Your Best Practices For Success!

12 min readJul 13, 2022

“ TEAM — Together Everyone Achieves More” — Anonymous Group coaching is often seen as a great way to improve your business skills and connect with like-minded women. However, successful group coaching requires thoughtful preparation and adherence to a few key principles. In this post, we’ll outline the five best practices for success in group coaching. 1. Better communication and teamwork skills Group coaching is a great way to give context and build team skills. It can help people to better communicate and work together. This can be especially important in situations where people have different views or expertise. Group coaching can also help people to learn from each other and grow as a team. As a coach who runs a group coaching program, it is important to understand and lean into the energy of the group in every single session. Energy changes and it is our job as coaches to be able to change the energy when required to give participants the best possible session. 2. Developing a sense of community Group coaching has been shown to be an effective way to develop a sense of community. This is because it allows participants to share common experiences and build relationships with one another. Furthermore, group coaching can help participants learn from each other and improve their skills. Treah and I are often presented with women in an emotional state and holding space for them to express emotions and share what they are going through is one of the things that our ladies love the most. 3. Improved work/life balance One of the biggest benefits to group coaching is that it provides a safe and supportive environment in which to explore personal issues and work on resolving conflicts. Group coaching also provides the opportunity for participants to learn from one another, which can improve work/life balance. With balance being one of the four pillars of our group coaching program, we feel that it is a constant challenge for women in particular. We have been trying to meet impossible standards to far too long. It is time for us to decide what the balance between work and everything else looks like on an individual level, not a societal one. 4. Increased self-awareness Group coaching provides an opportunity for individuals to share their experiences and learn from one another. This increased self-awareness can lead to better decision making, improved communication, and a greater sense of community. With so many women in business lacking confidence, increasing self awareness is a positive outcome of group coaching. By simply sharing in the group, it is amazing to see the appreciation shown by others who don’t have the knowledge and experience we take for granted. 5. Improved confidence and motivation. Group coaching can provide a supportive environment for individuals to share their thoughts and experiences, and to collectively work on addressing any challenges they may be facing. In addition, group coaching can provide an opportunity for participants to build confidence and motivation, as they work collaboratively towards common goals. By fostering a supportive environment and providing opportunities for personal growth, group coaching can have a significant impact on the development of individual confidence and motivation. “ Coaching in an intimate conversation space, focused on goal setting, awareness building and accountability.” — Jennifer Britton What Factors Should You Consider When Selecting a Group Coach? When selecting a group coaching program, you should consider: 1. Your goals and objectives Group coaching can provide context and support for individual goals and objectives. It can also help individuals develop a collective plan of action that is aligned with their desired outcome. By working together, group members can build trust and cohesion, which can lead to greater productivity. 2. The time that you are able and willing to commit to the program Group coaching is an amazing opportunity for individuals to receive support and guidance from a group of professionals. The time commitment required is minimal, making it an excellent option for busy people. Additionally, group coaching provides a supportive environment in which participants can share experiences and challenges. This type of support can be invaluable as participants work through personal growth challenges. 3. The personality and style of the coach What makes a great coach? There is no one answer to this question as different people will have different opinions. However, some key things that make a great coach are empathy, intelligence, experience and the ability to create a positive environment. One of the most important things to look for in a coach is a personality that compliments your own. If you are an alpha individual who wants someone who will challenge and push you to be your best, then you may not be compatible with a coach who is more laid back and supportive. It’s also important to find a style of coaching that works for you — some people prefer face-to-face meetings while others prefer video or phone calls. It’s important to find someone who can help you reach your goals and reflect your own personality and style. 4. The type of coaching program that you are interested in enrolling in Group coaching is a great way for individuals to connect with others and gain support. It allows people to share their experiences and learn from one another. This type of program can be beneficial for individuals who want to improve their skills or who want to connect with like-minded people. 5. The price of the program. Group coaching can be a great investment for your business. With the right group coaching program, you can get the support you need to grow your business and achieve your goals. The price of group coaching is often less expensive than individual sessions, and it provides more flexibility since you can work with a coach at any time that is convenient for you. Group coaching is also a great way to build team synergy and support one another in your business journey. How Should You Prepare For Your First Group Coaching Session? Before your first group coaching session, make sure to: 1. Have a clear understanding of your goals and objectives Group coaching is a great way to achieve clarity around your goals and objectives. When you are working with a group, it is easy to get feedback and support from others. This can help you identify gaps in your understanding, which can then be addressed during the coaching session. Additionally, group coaching can provide a social environment that supports your goal pursuit. 2. Be prepared to share your goals and objectives with the group When you join a group coaching program, it’s important to be prepared to share your goals and objectives with the group. This will allow everyone in the program to help support and guide you as you work towards achieving your individualized goals. Group coaching is an excellent way to achieve success by leveraging the collective power of others. 3. Have a positive attitude and be willing to listen to other members of the group Group coaching is an excellent way to give context to your progress. By being open and listening to others, you can develop a positive attitude and make better progress. Additionally, by staying organised and following the group’s guidelines, you can achieve your goals faster. 4. Be aware of any potential distractions that might arise during the session. Group coaching provides the opportunity for participants to work on a common goal in a comfortable and supportive environment. While working together, it is important to be aware of any potential distractions that might arise during the session. Some common distractions could include taking phone calls, checking email, or working on other tasks that are unrelated to the task at hand. By being aware of these potential distractions, group coaching can be maintained as a productive and helpful experience. What should you do if you attend a group coaching session but don’t feel comfortable speaking up? If you attend a session but don’t feel comfortable speaking up, try to: 1. Take notes during the session Group coaching is a great way to get feedback and learn from others. However, it can be difficult to take notes during group coaching sessions. There are a few different ways to take notes during group coaching: by taking digital notes, writing down what is said, or using an app that records the session. It is important to choose a method that works best for you and allows you to retain the information from the session. 2. Speak up after the session has ended and ask a question about what you didn’t understand Group coaching is a powerful tool for personal growth and development. After attending a group coaching session, it can be difficult to process all the new information and apply it to your life. It’s important to ask questions after the session to get clarification on what you learned. This helps you take everything you learned in the session and put it into practice. Group coaching is a great way to connect with others and grow as a person. 3. Speak to the coach privately after the session has ended. It can be really helpful to speak with a coach privately after the session has ended. This allows for a more personal and intimate connection, which can help you to gain more from the experience. How Can You Make Sure That Your Group Coaching Program is Effective? To make sure that your group coaching program is effective, you should: 1. Be committed to following the coach’s instructions Group coaching is a great way to get help with specific goals. However, it’s important to be committed to following the coach’s instructions. If you’re not, you’ll likely get frustrated and quit. While Treah and I encourage women to speak with different coaches about their programs so they can be confident in their choice to join us, having more than one coach at a time does confuse you and dampen your results. I know this may. be a bit of a cliche, but if your sports coach gives you tips and advice on how to improve, you do what they say, right? You don’t go looking for second opinions, ask your neighbour and then sit and googling for alternative advice, right? Coaches have different styles and different approaches. While we all want to help you achieve your goals, contradictory advice will not do this for you. 2. Be willing to change your behaviour and approach to learning Group coaching can be an effective way to give context to learning. By participating in a group coaching session, individuals can receive feedback on their skills and strategies as well as support from others. Group coaching can also help individuals become more aware of their own strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, group coaching can provide a forum for sharing experiences and learning from others. As a result, group coaching can provide individuals with the tools they need to improve their skills and approach to learning. 3. Be open to feedback and criticism Group coaching is an effective way to get feedback and criticism. This type of coaching allows people to work together as a group, which helps them to be more open to feedback and criticism. This is because they are not alone in their thoughts and feelings, which can help them to improve their work. Additionally, group coaching can provide a sense of community, which can help people feel supported in their efforts. 4. Be prepared to give and receive support. Group coaching can be a powerful tool for personal growth. As we work together, we can build trust, communicate effectively, and support each other in our goals. Our group provides a supportive environment that can help us learn and grow. Group coaching is also an excellent way to receive support. By sharing our experiences and challenges with others, we can gain strength and understanding. We can also find allies who will stand beside us during difficult times. In groups, there is always someone who has been through similar experiences; this makes it easy to connect with them and receive the support we need. Work Life Balance is an objective that most women struggle to achieve. The word balance can be defined as achieving equilibrium. However we skew this into thinking that it means we have to contribute to all things equally. We do not have to be equally valuable in every aspect of our lives.? There are few things that are more important to put a balance into then our careers.? We all know that work-life balance is something we should aspire to, yet many women struggle to achieve it. The reason for this is that many women feel they have to sacrifice their personal lives in order to be successful. This is not the case. In fact, you can have a successful career and still maintain a balanced life. Here are four tips for achieving work-life balance: 1) Make sure your schedule is realistic. Don’t try to do too much at once, and make sure each task is manageable. 2) Set boundaries. If you feel like you’re being pushed too hard, speak up! Let those that are pushing know what’s comfortable for you and don’t let them take advantage of you. 3) Delegate tasks when possible. This will help you focus on more important tasks and make sure everything gets done on time. 4) Take care of yourself both mentally and physically. This will help you stay alert and motivated throughout the day I like to think of work life balance like an equaliser that you need to continually adjust for optimal operation. That might mean that work gets 30%, family gets 40% and health gets 30%. Trying to give 100% to everything sets you up for failure. Accountability in business is what can keep you motivated when things feel hard. Group coaching is a great way to hold each other accountable and to keep each other motivated. This is especially important in business, where the highs and lows can be pretty sharp. Group coaching can provide context, support, and accountability for progress. A Community for Women in Business. Group coaching can be a powerful way to provide context and support for women in business. Group coaching provides an environment where women can share their experiences, challenges and successes. This type of coaching can help empower women to take action and create change in their businesses. Get Expert Business Knowledge and Acumen. A group coaching session can provide context and help participants to better understand the business. This is especially helpful for those who have little business experience, as it can give them a better understanding of how things work and how best to approach a problem. Additionally, group coaching can be beneficial for those who want to improve their business acumen. By participating in group coaching, participants can learn from others and develop new skills that will help them in their own businesses. Business training by experienced business coaches who teach you how to start and grow your business. Group coaching is the perfect way to get personalised business training. With experienced coaches by your side, you’ll learn how to start and grow your business the right way. You’ll have access to their expertise, resources, and support 24/7. Plus, they’ll coach you one-on-one so that you can focus on your progress and success. Did you know that 92% of small business owners agree coaches have a direct impact on their growth and the chances for their businesses to survive. (Kabbage ) Coaches are a valuable resource for any business. According to a recent study, 92% of small business owners agree that coaches have a direct impact on their growth and the chances for their businesses to survive. This is thanks to the wealth of knowledge and experience that coaches can offer. The benefits of having a coach are clear. A coach can provide guidance and support when starting out, help you develop your skills, and give you access to resources that you wouldn’t be able to find on your own. With the right coach, your business can grow and thrive. How Do I Be Respectful of Everyone in the Group? Be respectful of everyone in the group by always being respectful of their opinions and experiences. It can be difficult to remain respectful when we feel passionately about a topic, but it is important to remember that everyone in the group has valuable input.? If we are respectful of everyone’s opinions and experiences, we will be able to have productive discussions.? Why We Believe Women Are Better Together With varied backgrounds and experience, a business coach on their own will be able to guide you through areas of business they are experts in. However, it is rare to find a business coach that is an expert in all areas of business. This is why we think that together we have more expertise than the average business coach — because there are two of us with opposing skill sets. This delivers a much higher value experience to our clients. Group coaching is a powerful way to gain context and synergy from others. By engaging in group coaching, you can tap into the collective knowledge and experience of your team, which can result in a more successful outcome. In addition, group coaching provides an opportunity for everyone to learn and grow as a team. This ensures that everyone contributes their best effort, which leads to a more effective solution. I love group coaching. The energy, the women, the whole experience is what makes me keep going in business. Love It? Pin This Article for Later.

