What Is Your Purpose? Discover Your Unique Mission And Path To Success

6 min readAug 15, 2022

There’s a lot of talk about “purpose” these days — but what does that mean for you? For some, it might just be a word that sounds nice and sounds like it has a lot of meaning, but for others, it could be the key to unlocking their true potential and leading a fulfilling and successful life. When Treah and I begin coaching a new client in our private coaching program, the first thing we need to do is understand you as a business owner. Because your purpose, your why, your values, vision and mission will all impact the journey we are embarking on together. We cannot guide you without understanding what you aim to achieve. “ The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” — Pablo picasso However it isn’t unusual for our clients to not know these answers at the start. It can be one of the most difficult coaching questions to answer — what do you want and why do you want it? There are surface answers, answers that people think they should say. But sustainable success requires more than what is on the surface. We need to go deep. What is Your Purpose? Your purpose is what motivates you to do what you do. It’s the reason why you’re here, on this earth, and it’s what will pull you through the tough times. It’s the reason why you’re unhappy or more than just a mum. I believe that my purpose is to help others who need someone to lead the way for them. Whether that’s through teaching, writing, or simply being a good friend, I want to do what I can to contribute to the world. I know that there will be times when things get tough and I may not feel like doing anything, but I know that my purpose is worth fighting for. No matter what the outcome may be.? What is Your Unique Mission? Your unique mission is the specific goal that you’ve set for yourself. To achieve your unique mission, you need to know what it is and what it requires of you. You need to develop a clear plan of action, and then follow through with it consistently. You also need to focus on building skills and knowledge that will help you reach your goal. Finally, you need to stay true to yourself and don’t let anyone or anything else get in the way of achieving your goals. This can be easier said than done, and it is the reason that women seek out the training and programs we offer as business coaches. It’s the reason why you’re working so hard, and it’s the target that you’re aiming for. It’s the reason why you’re pushing yourself to be better than you were the last time. What is The Path To Success? There are many paths to success, and it doesn’t always have to be linear. Sometimes, it’s about taking small, manageable steps in the right direction, and sometimes it’s about taking huge leaps and bounds. Success is not a destination, it’s a journey, but it all starts with knowing who you are. What is your purpose? What makes you happy? Once you know those things, it becomes much easier to focus on what you need to do to achieve success. But, at the end of the day, it’s about working towards your destination — no matter how far away it may seem at first. If you want to find out what your purpose is, and figure out the path to success, then start by asking yourself some questions. The first question to ask yourself is: What do I want? You may not know what your purpose is yet, but you can figure it out. You have to start by examining what you want and need in life. What are your priorities? Once you know that, you can start to look for clues about your unique mission and path to success. Think about the things that make you happy — those are usually the things that reflect who you are as a person. Once you understand your core values and how they fit into your life goals, it will be much easier to find your purpose. Once you know what you want, the next question to ask yourself is: What can I do to get it? There is no one right answer to this question, as your purpose will be unique to you and what you want out of life. However, some things that may help you to find your unique mission and path to success include: 1. Defining what it is that you want. What are your short-, medium-, and long-term goals? What are the steps necessary for you to reach these goals? Once you have a clear understanding of what it is that you’re after, it’s easier to start taking action towards achieving it. 2. Focusing on what’s important to you. When we’re focused on something else other than our goals, we often miss opportunities and chances for success. It’s important to set boundaries and make sure that the things that matter most to you get the attention they deserve in your life. If everything else falls by the wayside, eventually your mission will too. 3. Taking action towards achieving your goals. The biggest hurdle in any goal is often finding the courage or motivation needed to take action towards it. Sometimes all we need is a little push in the right direction — either from ourselves or from someone else — in order Purpose is something that many of us search for but seldom find. It can be a powerful motivator and a driving force in our lives. But what is it that makes us feel fulfilled and content? What is our unique mission and path to success? There is no one answer to this question, as everyone has their own unique journey to follow. But if you are looking for guidance on how to find your purpose, there are a few steps you can take. Start by asking yourself some questions: What do I love doing? What brings me joy? What am I passionate about? Once you have identified these things, start brainstorming ideas for ways you could incorporate them into your life. This could mean joining an organisation that aligns with your interests or starting a new business venture that uses your talents in an innovative way. Finally, don’t forget to measure the success of your journey along the way. Are you feeling more fulfilled than when you started? Are you making positive contributions in the world? If so, keep following your path! Purpose is the driving force behind everything we do. It’s what leads us to achieve our goals and make a difference in the world. We can’t just drift through life, doing what comes naturally. We have to find our purpose, and then figure out how to achieve it. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to find your purpose, but there are some things you should keep in mind. First, it should be something that brings you happiness. Second, it should be something that you are willing to put in effort towards achieving. And finally, it should be something that will make a positive impact on the world around you. If you can identify these three qualities in your purpose, then you’re on your way to finding success. Remember: don’t settle for anything less than what makes you happy, helps others and makes a real difference in the world. After that, think about what skills or knowledge you may need to achieve your goals. No matter what your purpose may be, you can achieve it if you have the will and determination to do so. To find out what your unique mission and path to success are, think about what skills or knowledge you may need to achieve your goals.? Maybe you need to improve your networking skills in order to get ahead in your career. Or maybe you need to learn new programming languages in order to create innovative software programs. Whatever it is, start by identifying the areas in which you lack knowledge or skills, and then take steps towards acquiring them. Don’t let any obstacle stand in your way — success is within reach if you’re willing to work hard enough! Finally, make a plan and work towards it. You’ll eventually reach your destination if you keep moving forward! There is no need to achieve everything today, this month, or this year. When you discover your purpose it should connect with you so deeply you could cry — and ladies often do. Treah and I often feel great satisfaction when the people we work with cry. Not in a sadistic way, but because we know that we have helped someone connect with something very deep and meaningful. “ If your path is difficult, it is because your purpose is bigger than you thought.” — Unknown It might not be easy to find your purpose, but it’s definitely worth it. It will feel life changing and give you an energy you didn’t know you had. Book a free session with Treah and I and let’s start talking about finding your purpose and turning that into a really amazing business. Love this? Save it for later.

