Why Taking Action in Business is the Thing That Matters Most

4 min readAug 29, 2022

Taking action in your business is critical to your success. While planning and strategy are the ingredients you need to be successful in business, if you don’t put things into action, it all means nothing. Meetings, discussion, spreadsheets and intentions will amount to little more than a waste of time and energy if nothing gets implemented. “ I’d rather regret the risks that didn’t work out than the chances I didn’t take at all.” — Simone Biles Do you spend all of your free time reading and gathering information? Are you a self-help junkie that never seems to make any meaningful progress in your life or business? Are you trying to take your business to the next level by using the power of your mind alone? How is that working for you? Nothing changes in business until your behaviour changes. Culture must start with you. Even as a solopreneur, how you approach each day will signify its outcomes. Sure, you might feel better about your business after all of your mental gymnastics, but is anything actually happening from all of these intellectual efforts? Take action and watch your business change before your eyes! Consider these ideas: You have to do something for something to happen. “ For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” — isaac newton Nothing happens until you act. You can’t wish or visualise your way to a plate of food, a fancy car, the partner or your dreams, or a successful business. Those things might make it easier for you to act, but you must still take action of some kind. Unless you’re telekinetic, you can’t even make a paperclip move across your desk without taking action. The more you want to accomplish, the bigger the action you’ll need to take. It’s not what you can do that matters, it’s what you actually do. It’s what you actually do that counts. The amount of capability you possess only increases the number of options you have available. Having options isn’t the same as choosing one and taking action. Your beliefs, values, and thoughts influence your behaviour. For example, if you believe that you’re smart, capable, and good looking, your behavior will be different than if you believe that you’re simple minded, incapable, and homely in appearance. Here are some more examples: ● Do you believe that failure is fine or to be avoided at all costs? ● Do you believe that most people are inherently good or inherently bad? ● Do you value safety or adventure? ● Do you have positive thoughts about your goals or negative? None of these things has any actual power in the world, other than that they can alter the choices you make and the actions you take. The law of averages is ultimately on your side. If your dream is to play the piano, you can certainly do it. You simply have to keep trying. A pro pianist might play a certain piece better than you do, but you’ll most likely be successful eventually. When you take action, you get a result. You’re bound to get the result you want eventually if you take action long enough. Eventually, the law of averages will pay off. When you do nothing, you always fail to achieve your goals. Action creates potential. When you take action, you can learn from your results. When you take action, things change. New opportunities become available. You might meet a new person that can help you get what you want. When you take the first step, the next step appears. ● Things start happening when you start moving. Nothing happens while you’re learning, scheming, and planning. Things begin to change when your behaviour changes. Have you heard the saying “fake it ‘till you make it”? The truth of this saying isn’t about making other believe you, it is about you believing you. You’ve proven this to yourself thousands of times throughout your life. Your life changed when you started school, changed schools, and made new friends. Your life was different after you made permanent changes to your diet or started a new diet. You can’t just accumulate knowledge, daydream, or make grand plans. You have to DO new things. When your behaviour changes, your life changes and so does your business. How do you want your business to change? What can you DO to make it happen? When will you get started? One of the key pillars in our BACK to Business program is Accountability. It’s power comes from you taking action because you know that you will have to own to to why you didn’t — if you do nothing. These are the roadblocks that business owners face. Roadblocks are hidden behind excuses. Sometimes these are genuine, and it is up to you to really assess whether this is the case. I don’t have time — or you haven’t made the time. I can’t afford it — I haven’t prioritised it financially. I couldn’t figure out how to do it — I didn’t focus on this or reach out for help when I was struggling. I changed my plan — this was a little too confronting for me and I didn’t want to face it. My job as a coach to to find the underlying issue behind your excuses. Once these are resolved great action follows. A coach will ask questions, a great coach will ask questions that help you come to a realisation. Whether the action you take ends up with the results you desired or not, the important thing to remember is that you never would have known if you hadn’t tried. Love It? Pin This Article for Later.

